
Showing posts from May, 2004

Question of the day - May, 26, 2004

If Osama Bin Laden released an announcement that said, "If George Bush gets re-elected than we promise to increase our attacks", would that get more people to vote for Bush or against him? One the one side, if we do what Osama wants that just seems like pandering to the terrorist, but of the other side, wouldn’t less attacks be a good thing. The answer will be posted next week.

Second Novel

Yesterday I finished my second novel. It is a radical experiment in creative writing. The style of the novel is almost as important as the actual content. I have given out copies to a few people for their review. If favorable, I will try to publish it. My plan is to write one novel every year.

Bush's Plan in Iraq

There is no direction that the posts of this board will have, except to say that they are all moving forward. Many, such as today's post, will relate to the world as I see. To be sure, I am not objective in the classical sense, however, I will only speak the truth. Last night as I watched George Bush lay out his plan for the future of Iraq I began to read between the lines. He said "Iraqis will write their own history, and find their own way." This hit a chord and I think I’ve figured out his actual plan. Here is it... Starting in July, he is going to remove 10,000 troops every month (or whatever number so that there are only 10,000 troops in total in Iraq by November). 0f the 10,000 who remain, half of them will be there to protect the new government and the other half will be running around the country finding “evil doers” and preventing/delaying civil war. Bush will claim victory and say that they war was over. He will say that the new government has so

So let it be written, so let it be done

So finally my brother has convinced me that I need to share my ranting with the rest of the world. So from this point on, you can read all about the beginning of a new revolution in moral philosophy. The ideas may be harsh to those who refuse to re-evaluate the choices they have made. This is only the beginning... join the revolution


i'm still bored at work amuse myself with haiku i'm a living joke nothing special here going to new york friday. damn i'm pathetic take me away please god please stop punishing me i hate virginia my job really sucks i would like to shoot my boss right in her big head this is slightly amusing and it is wasting some time i miss my fishy fluffy eight is great not as good as fluffy three i miss fluffy three fluffy four is bad bad fishy killed fluffy three fluffy four is bad i'm sick of smallworld i don't even check the scores my rankings will suck this is the last one soft voices inside my head kill, kill, kill, sleep, kill kill, kill, drink, kill, kill vodka, kill, sunny d, kill mix them together punch the monitor i hurt my hand, sweet red blood that is not my blood dead boss on the floor stabbed her with a plastic spork she was very mean will i get that raise dead bosses don't give raises ten dollars in


4,000,000,000 people on earth and you picked me to lead you into a new world of hope and logic. "You have choosen wisely"