
Showing posts from September, 2005

Google here, google there, google everywhere

For a long time, I have been predicting the Google was going to challenge Microsoft and change the face of the internet. I started to think this when I read an article last year that talked about how Google was actively recruiting PhDs (who many companies ignore because they believe PhDs are only interested in research and not commerce). Google not only hired them, but gave them one day a week to concentrate on creating new products and running with wild ideas. Since then, Google continues to add new, free services, including a satellite mapping service, e-mail, web messenger, web phone service, shopping assistance (froogle), and others. Today, I read that Google is going to release a new service that I was hoping for (kinda). According to CNN , Google is planning to operate a Wi-Fi service. The way I see it, the more people Google can get online the more money they can make. Not much is known about Google WiFi , but I hope they make the tremendous investment and the risk to make the s


Searching for a new car can be a harrowing experience. On a personal level, I just despise the whole process. Nevertheless, it has to be done. The main problem for me is too much selection. Every car has its advantage and disadvantage is in the end, you get the same value regardless. I would like to be a good person and get a hybrid; however, most are too expensive. (Note: at today’s gas prices, the savings Hybrids provide on gas won’t match the additional costs of the car until you have it for 4-5 years). I had high hopes for the Toyota Prius and yesterday we managed to find one to test drive (they are sold out at almost all locations). Everything looked good, except for one little thing, my legs didn’t fit. I couldn’t move my leg from the break to the gas without smashing the steering wheel. At 6’2”, I am tall, actually in the top 10% , but there are a lot of us. Quick calculations tell me that there are approximately 15 million men in the US my height or taller, and none o

Book Reviews - Slapstick and Around the World in 80 days.

Last week I finished “ Around the World in 80 days ” by Jules Verne and “Slapstick” by Kurt Vonnegut. Around the World was a nice little book. I can see how it would be very popular in its time; however, today, television and movies have taken away from the intrigue of distant lands. Nevertheless, it was generally well-written and fun. Although it was short and could be read very quickly, I found that it could not have sustained itself for much longer. Overall, I give it a C+ and would recommend it to older children and those who just want a quick escape. “ Slapstick ” which was almost (and should have been) called “Lonesome No More” was another fun book. Kurt Vonnegut is clearly my favorite author and I find his style to be inspiring and poetic. There have been several Vonnegut books that have another style as Slapstick, namely that the story starts right after a very interesting thing happened or predicts something very interesting is about to happen, and then never rally goes

Republic V Republican

Recently, I have been wondering how long Congressional Republicans will back every single policy of the Bush administrations. Clearly, from the beginning, Bush’s strategy is that if all republicans act as a single, unwavering unit, that they will be able to achieve their goals, while deflecting any criticism. And this has worked; the republicans have gotten some of the things they always wanted (lower taxes, hawkish foreign policy, and a more faith-based system); however, I honestly do not belief that the majority of republicans wanted these things to the extremes that Bush has taken them. Nevertheless, the republicans stand by their President even after his approval rating slips below 40%. I believe that Bush republicans are different then other republicans. Here is my little chart. sorry so small, blogger won't let me post a larger image So will the classic republics let Bush destroy their reputation (note: I usually disagree with most republican ideology; however, I believe most

Leadership and Justice Mephistopheles

The 2008 Presidential campaign could have started last week, in the wake of Katrina. I have been waiting for a Democratic leader to step forward. Sure, several Congressmen and Senators have complained about the administration’s failures, but real leadership also includes providing inspiration and motivation. The same holds true for Iraq, where democrats can point out our shortcomings, but nobody wants to be accountable for new, specific ideas. Bill Clinton’s actions recently have been nice and I don’t know why Hillary isn’t with him (actually in front of him) every step of them. I would even be happy to see Al Gore back in the fold. But speaking of Hillary, I now believe that it would be a mistake for her to run for president in 2008. The reason is that if she runs, the race will become about her (her gender, her family, her religion, her finances, her husband) and not about how republican strategies have consistently led to higher unemployment, higher debt, lower GDP, increased

Katrina - Part II

After seeing my Blog on Serena Williams’s less than generous offer to victims of Katrina, Hillary Duff has donated $250,000. This teenage nickelodeon star deserves some serious credit. Residents of New Orleans continue to wallow in horrible conditions, while their city lies underwater. How is this still happening? The broken levy should have been fixed within 48 hours. There is a hole, fill it! Sink a ship, get steel barriers, do something. I saw that they were using sand bags? Go to NASA and say, "you have 24 hours to find a solution to fill that hole, and another 24 hours to get it completed or else we are slashing your funding by 50%". They will find a way to get it done. Offer ten million dollars to any person or company that has a solid plan to fill the levy within 48 hours. Let a little pressure and motivation stimulate some progress. I understand there are many, many problems and this is going to very hard, but we need to start moving towards action. The government sho


Hurricane Katrina has left tens of thousands homeless. Serena Williams offered to give $100 to related charities for each ace she serves. Last night, she had two aces ($200), while donning 8-carat diamond earrings. I think her gesture is a little underwhelming. Should Serena, who makes millions each year be responsible to helping? yes, of course she should, morally and socially. However, it is our government who is legally responsible. Forget congressional hearings about steroids in baseball, missions to Mars, and stem cells; let’s remember the basics of what government is really supposed to concentrate on - “Establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” Helping those who suffered at the whim of Katrina certainly fits under the guise of justice, domestic tranquility, general welfare, and posterity. Congress should quickly look at the federal budget for the