Losing Vote?

The US Senate is preparing to vote on the future of Obamacare.  Although the Republicans had years to prepare an alternative solution, they had nothing prepared after the election. Both parties have a terrible track record of fighting against something, without a solution ready.  Although the rhetoric of repealing Obamacare was popular on the stump, the reality is that is helped millions of people and the cost was burdened by the rich (Of course, there are problems with Obamacare and it does not address the issue of increasing premiums, or the fact that the companies who provide healthcare make profits by not providing healthcare).  Back to today's possible vote.  The Republicans in the Senate have failed to pass meaningful legislation, but that doesn't mean that can't have a meaningful vote.  Specifically, any Senator that votes to repeal Obamacare (with the vague believe that they would replace it with something better afterwards), can go back to their voters and say "Look, I tried to fix the healthcare system.  I voted to replace Obamacare and would have put something great in its place. But the Democrats and a a couple of out-of-touch Republicans tanked the entire thing. You have to re-elect me, and elect more Republicans throughout the country and we can finally repeal and replace Obamacare with something better for consumers, lower premiums for consumers, less taxes, less regulations of businesses, and better for the future of America!"

They just need to get on the record so they can protect their campaign slogans.  After the vote, they then will give up and move on the next issue. Trump will work to sabotage Obamacare so that it helps fewer people, and is easier to campaign against.


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