Mueller Investigation

What I found most compelling about the first indictments from the Mueller special investigation was that it revolved around various types of financial fraud.  Although, I am reluctant to believe that Trump actively and personally colluded with the Russians (and not because the Russians didn't try), I would definitely believe that Trump committed a variety of financial crimes over the past 40 years (tax evasion, lying on paperwork, and potentially money laundering). There have been some pretty well known instances of Trump using very sketchy financial tactics, including keeping multiple sets of books, and vastly complicated ownership structures.  The Trump Organization is very large, but is privately held and therefore they are no external stock owners to review financial records.  According to Trump's FEC disclosure form, it lists him as a director or president of 515 different LLCs.  I think it is mostly legitimate for the Mueller to investigate if Russian money went to Trump companies, but the only way to figure that out is to really analyse his financial holdings.  In the course of this investigation, what will they do if they find instances of fraud or tax evasion? I don't think they would indict a sitting President on such a charge, and I don't think Congress would impeach him for this (unless is was directly related to some Russian collusion).  Furthermore, I don't think his base (or Republicans who care about his based) would care very much.  The result would be to further destroy the credibility and sanctity of the Presidency, our democracy, and our country.


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