NFL Protests

What if the NFL just let players protest whatever they want. If their original statement was "This is America and people can protest whatever they want, whether it is high taxes, war, police violence, or civil rights. We encourage everyone in the country to passionate advocate for the things they believe in."  Followed up with, "In regards to the current protest, the NFL clearly opposed unnecessary police violence, on any kind, against any person. Overall, the police do an amazing job of protecting citizens and maintaining law and order and we are grateful to the millions of officers around the country. However, we should all be against unnecessary police violence. Players are protesting something that everyone should be protesting. The police are supposed to protect us and they should do everything they can do to rid themselves of any bad apples, bad precincts, or bad policies. Although the NFL's policy is to stay neutral on any issues that may be considered political, we stand by our players' right to be heard.


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