
Showing posts from January, 2019

Master Manipulators

Large business and organizations have access to a level of technology and data that is far beyond almost anyone's capacity to understand. For most businesses, they use this knowledge to make more money, as that is their purpose. Unlike the past, in which companies relied on the quality of their products and the schemes of their marketing teams, today's companies have big data and AI to help them. When you watch a commercial, don't think that is just some guys idea to do something interesting and than a production company made the video. Each and every element of the commercial (colors, voice, text, images, style, editing, etc.) are tested using advanced metrics, surveys, psychology, social sciences, and AI. They test everything against everything, in ways that were impossible a decade ago. They use specific words that connect with their target audience. They are not guessing, they know 100%, which is most likely to work. They are not sharing information with you, they are a