
Showing posts from September, 2023

Lessons from History - Democracy

"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time" - Winston Churchill I am currently reading biographies on each of the US Presidents. I'm only on Madison, but I've learned some incredible insights into the dysfunctions of our government. Since the Articles of Confederation were adopted in 1777, politicians and the wealthy have been constantly undermining justice, equality, and the idea that they should prioritize the good of the nation above all else. The disgraces of current politicians are nothing new and have been part of US political culture since our country's founding. For example, the southern states refused to adopt the constitution unless it counted enslaved people at 3/5 of a person for the purposes of having more ele

Nefarious Conspiracy Theory

Tommy Tuberville was famous for being the head football coach at  Auburn University. He used this "creditability" to somehow become a US Senator.    Currently, he is singlehandedly  holding up the confirmation of over 300  senior  military  officers in a protest over abortion. This " unprecedented campaign to try to change Pentagon abortion policy by holding up hundreds of military nominations and promotions, forcing less experienced leaders into top jobs and raising concerns at the Pentagon about military readiness.  Senators in both parties have pushed back on Tuberville’s blockade, but Tuberville is dug in. He says he won’t drop the holds unless majority Democrats allow a vote on the [abortion] policy." He is also a person who, while a US Senator,  denied white nationalists are inherently racist. First of all, it is insane that one person could hold up these confirmations. To make things worse, it has nothing to do with the actual officers, but an abortion polic