
Showing posts from January, 2021

Unite the Country

If Biden is serious about uniting the country, why doesn't he actually try policies that everyone agrees with. He should have monthly (or even weekly) in-person messages directly from the White House (like the old fireside chats). This will help remove the media from spinning the message. Here are some things that would be extremely popular (and great policy in my mind) - Fight to enact term-limits for members of Congress. This would be hugely unpopular among people in Congress, but is very popular among the population.  - Fight to reduce lifetime appointments of federal judges to a single 20, 25, or 30 year term.  - Fight to eliminate gerrymandering. Both Democrats and Republicans use gerrymandering to cheat voters.  - Provide states money to clean up their voting rolls. Who is against accurate information. - $1Trillion infrastructure investment. Trump said he wanted this, but didn't follow through. Everyone wants this and the country NEEDS it. - New federal agency to make gov

Censure Won't Remove Trump, But It Would Hold Him Accountable.

It's always nice when I find an article that thoughtfully explains what I am thinking. Impeaching Trump (for a 2nd time) won't accomplish any actual goals, or secure freedom or peace in the future. In fact, rushing such a vote is a terrible precedent. A thorough investigation, with testimonials from the those who invaded the capitol, copies on emails and social media posts, will do more to show how Trump was responsible than the impeachment will (and it will also investigate others who should be held accountable). In additional to that, censure is also appropriate, and would force elected officials in Congress to be on the record about this issue. Below is a link to an excellent article on this option.

Obvious Next Step For Trump

When Fred Trump was well into his 80s and his mind was failing, his son, Donald took advantage of his ailing father, making sure to alter his will to leave himself with more money (at the expense of his siblings). What goes around, comes around. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Don Jr. takes this unique moment in time to throw his father under the boss and try to take control of the Trump political supporters. He can take full credit for everything successful his father did and distance himself from anything that is unpopular. "I was the driving force behind 'Make America Great Again', I've been the one who got him the Apprentice and was in charge of the successful real estate (Donald was in charge of the ones that failed), I was against Pence and Mattis from the beginning, etc." Don could announce that the Trump in all the QAnon theories really is referring to him as the savior. He could announce he will mostly likely run for President in four year and spend

Accepting the Electoral College and the dark future

It would be entirely consistent with the past four years if Mike Pence rejected the electoral votes that were certified from the states. Although he technically doesn't have this power, the law is not specific and I'm not sure it would matter anyway. If this happens, it would go to each state delegation for a vote (with each state getting the same, single vote). From there, there is a very likely chance that Trump would gain a majority of the electoral votes. Democrats could contest this in court, but it would be by the book. What happens next is completely unknown, but possibly terrifying. There could be major riots in cities. The House would almost certainly impeach Trump and Pence and with the Senate split evenly, there is a reasonable chance that Pence would like preside over Senate, as the law in not clear . Things could get really bad if the Justice Department (controlled by Trump), starts to arrest legislators (or their supporters, saying they are the ones who are commit