
Showing posts from August, 2019


15 years ago I had Lasik to correct my vision, which was wonderful.  However, in the past few years my long distance vision has slowly gotten worse.  It's not terrible and I can function, but if I could get it fixed, that would be great.  The problem is that if I get my long distance vision fixed through Lasik, my near (reading) vision would get messed up.  So here are my options Option 1 - Lasik both eyes now Pro - Perfect distance vision. Con - I would need reading glasses now. Option 2 - Lasik one eye Pro - Distance vision would be better. Con - Reading is annoying (I tested this by wearing one contact), but I wouldn't need glasses for now. Con - When my reading vision deteriorates (in 3-10 years), I'll need reading glasses. Option 3 - Do nothing Pro - It's free.  Don't need reading glasses. Con - Vision not great for distances. Option 3a - Do nothing with glasses Pro - It's free, Don't need reading glasses. Con - Glasses are annoying and

A night at the ball park

Ever since Molly was about 6, I have taken her to at least one Yankee game a year. Molly played softball when she little and she knows the rules and can follow along, but going to the game isn't really about baseball. Molly is now 14 and the game we went to earlier this week was perhaps our best ever.  I didn't hurt that the Yankee crushed the Orioles, scoring in almost every inning, but that was secondary.  For 3+ hours, it was breathtakingly, sincerely, sublime daddy/daughter time. For every player we imagined that we were the world's worst/funniest announcer, trying to out-due each other on who could mispronounce each player's name the worst (Gio Urshela = Guy-O Ursela, Austin Romine - A-us-tine Ro-minny, Jonathan Villar = Jone-AT-han Will-air, Aaron Judge = A-A-ron Jud-Gee, etc).  Molly suggested that Coke buy the at space directly below the Pepsi sign and have it read "Stinks" is the same colors and font as the Pespi sign.  We wanted to buy space on the b

Infinite Jest - Review

Over the past several months, I've listened to Infinite Jest on tape.  This book, David Foster Wallace, is almost indescribable, but here is my review... Bullet points:     1) It is long, really, really unnecessarily long (over 1,000 pages).     2) The writing style is very creative, overly informal (which I like), original (he uses words that are made-up, but seem just right), and it has a beautiful flow.     3) There are 3 main plots, and dozens smaller plots that are either completely unrelated to each other, or forced together.  It might be better as three different novels and 50 short stories.     4) There is no ending. It might has well ended in the middle of a sentence.  Nothing was resolved, there was no climax, and critical plot aspects were completely ignored. I liked the book, but would not recommend it to anyone (unless they were studying literature).  There was a stream of consciousness to the entire book, which helped sections flow into each other; however, the

Incremental Steps

10 Random thoughts on the 2nd round of Democratic Presidential Debates: 1) When they attach each other, they increase the chances of Trump using those same attacks against the eventual nominee. If getting Trump out of office is their #1 priority, than they have to play nice; however, it is not their priority (which is to get themselves prestige, power, or money) 2) When those are the far left attack Biden, I actually think it helps him among moderates and traditional Republicans. 3) Why can't major policy changes take place in increments instead of all at once.  Why not have Medicare-for-children first (as opposed to Medicare-for-all). Ask the country to try it and see how it goes. 4) The actual election will happen in reality, which includes the electoral college (which I am vehemently against). However, within this reality, any one candidate who doesn't provide a boost in swing states, just needs to step down. This includes all candidates from New York or California, sorr