Just be Yourself

Losing almost always feels bad, but it usually feels even worse when you didn’t trust your instincts and tried to win doing something unnatural. I am dubbing this situation, now and forever, as pulling a “Howard Dean”. When Howard Dean ran for President, he started as the maverick who wore his feelings on his sleeve and spoke his mind. After one of the first primaries didn’t go his way, he gave an animated, inspirational, and somewhat awkward speech to his supporters; however, the media and the public saw his rant and non-presidential and a little crazy and this is where Howard Dean decided to go against his natural personality and try to highlight his professionalism and civility. This coincidentally, in my opinion, significantly contributed to him getting crushed. I have to think that Howard Dean sits up at night thinking that if he was just true to his own personality he could be President now. This failure applies to all walks of life. If I am playing tennis and I go for a weak shot, trying to be too consistent, and I miss, I am more upset that than if I went for a solid shot and missed (and I am a power player and not a consistent player). Likewise a consistent player would be more upset if he best for a winner. I was thinking about this because John McCain is doing the exact same thing that Dean did (which I have written about before), and there was a good article about it in Time Magazine.


If you can’t win by being yourself, than you’re still not going to win by being someone else.


david santos said…
Thanks for you work and have a good week

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