How to Download the Presidential Inauguration of Barack Obama

At my school, we were trying to play the live inauguration of President Obama this morning, unfortunately, the streaming videos were skippy and almost unwatchable. For the kids, their attention and focus was lost and thus a moment to connect with a historic event was also lost. I thought that after it was over, the video would be all over the internet, available for download within minutes. To my amazement, there was nothing available, nothing of poor quality, nothing at all. Why is this, who would stop us from sharing or downloading this video. Surely, our free media would post it for the people to listen to, but no, there was nothing. Although I'm sure I will get in trouble for this, I found a way of accessing a high quality network copy of the video. Go to...

Save the file to your desktop. Windows Media Player cannot play with file type, but other media players can. I highly suggest VLC Media Player ( which I have used for a few years. Or you can use SUPER Video Encorder ( to convert this video to .avi or whatever you want.

Good Luck to you and good luck to our next president


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