
Unfortunately, but as usually, the Democrats in Congress have completely failed to communicate their agenda, motives, and goals in the impeachment of Donald Trump. As they rush through the process, refusing to wait for the courts to make rulings, they lose critically important opportunities to 1) interview administration staff under oath, and 2) have the courts officially have a position on whether the administration must comply with congressional subpoenas. Right now, the Democrats are legitimizing Trump's strategy to completely stonewall their entire process. So if another issue rises up, than they will have to start all over again. Weather you believe the President should be impeached, the whole world recognizes that (with the current evidence) there is zero change of him being removed from office by the Senate. The doesn't mean the house shouldn't proceed, it just means they have to look at the big picture. And for goodness sake, can the Democrats please hire a marketing/communications team, with a spokesperson, to communicate with the public.

On another note, can the Democrats please start a training program for presidential candidates. They should have at least two moderate, experienced, and charismatic candidates.  Right now, there are literally no candidates that meet those basic criteria.


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