Biden's Opening Statement

Donald Trump's political tactics aren't new, in fact they are very generic for authoritarian leaders. Controlling the media (and calling opposing media fake or unpatriotic), having loyalty tests, challenging the integrity of the courts, saying the elections are fraudulent, having your own security force, calls for "law and order", saying how great your own country is, blaming minorities, etc. These are tried and true techniques, but the Democrats just can't seem to get ahead of him. I think it would be very effective if they predicted what he is going to say and to make him look ridiculous when he inevitable tries that strategy. And it needs to come directly from Biden.

"Hello American. Over the next few months Donald Trump and I will embark on a series of debates and criticism of each other. I want you to know that whatever I say negative about him, he is going to instinctively say that he isn't doing that bad thing, that I am. If I say he is weak on China and give lots of real facts to back it up, he is just going to say that I am weak on China (but he won't back it up with facts). If I say his response to Covid was terrible, he will say my response would have been worse (based on nothing). If I say that Trump is corrupt, he will say that I am. He does this to trick the public and make the whole issue seem petty. It is a simple way for him to avoid any responsibility. It is exactly like a petulant child who knows they are guilty and will say anything to get out of trouble. I know he is going to do this because that is the strategy of all bullies and authoritarian men. So, I say to you: watch out for this, because he thinks you are nothing, he thinks you aren't smart enough to see though his bullshit. He tells you what you want to hear and demands loyalty. If you don't listen, your a traitor or a coward. But I know that you can see through him. And when you look closely, all he is a rich, spoiled, elitist brat that only care about himself."


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