Appealing to Independents

I believe that, four years ago, Hillary Clinton lost because she choose to embrace the left as opposed to moving to the center. She neglected independent voters because she was overconfident and wanted a presidential mandate to implement very progressive policies. The left did support her, and she got 94% of Democrats to vote for her, but she only got half the votes from Independents. And here is the thing, THERE ARE MORE INDEPENDENTS THAN DEMOCRATS (OR REPUBLICANS).  About 40% of the total population considers themselves Independent.

Joe Biden may be a centrist Democrats, but he is not acting like it. The Republicans now refer to him as "Joe Biden and the radical socialists" and he is not saying otherwise. 

All he needs to say is something like this...

"Yes, there are some Democrats that have very liberal ideas, but I am a centrist and so are most Democrats. In the primaries, the Democrats overwhelming choose myself over Warren, Biden, Castro, and others. We don't want to revoke the 2nd amendment, but just want background checks for dangerous weapons. We don't want to destroy religion, in fact we embrace all religions and I personally am, and have always been, a very devout Christian. We don't want to destroy capitalism, we just want to save our economy, like we did after the 2008 recession, remember that. We don't want to defund the police, we want to adjust the system so that innocent people will never be killed by a police officer ever again. And we want to save social security and protect our citizens from poverty, is that really a bad thing? And yes, we do want to tax huge corporations and billionaires more. I know that there are some people in the Democratic party that have more radical ideas, but I am not them. I am Joe Biden and I will represent the ideals of all Americans, I will bring honor, leadership, and honesty back to our country. Four years ago, we were the undisputed leaders of the free world and now look at us. Donald Trump only cares about himself and will say anything, do anything, cheat, lie, and steal to win. He is not only incapable of being good President, he is just a spoiled, rich, asshole with dreams of ruling the world. 

I have dedicated my life to helping this country, not building golf resorts for rich people. I actually understand what it takes to be President, to put country before myself, and to make sacrifices. I love America. Let me say that again, I LOVE THIS COUNTRY, and if you love it to, you'll vote for sanity this election, you'll vote for experience, you'll vote for civil discourse, you'll vote for Joe Biden.

(Yes, this might piss off some of the more liberal Democrats, but who cares. He already have the nomination and he is appealing to a much larger audience of independents. And isn't that what he should do, represent as many Americans as possible, without compromising your core believes. It is not only practical, but it is the right thing to do)


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