Accepting the Electoral College and the dark future

It would be entirely consistent with the past four years if Mike Pence rejected the electoral votes that were certified from the states. Although he technically doesn't have this power, the law is not specific and I'm not sure it would matter anyway. If this happens, it would go to each state delegation for a vote (with each state getting the same, single vote). From there, there is a very likely chance that Trump would gain a majority of the electoral votes. Democrats could contest this in court, but it would be by the book. What happens next is completely unknown, but possibly terrifying. There could be major riots in cities. The House would almost certainly impeach Trump and Pence and with the Senate split evenly, there is a reasonable chance that Pence would like preside over Senate, as the law in not clear. Things could get really bad if the Justice Department (controlled by Trump), starts to arrest legislators (or their supporters, saying they are the ones who are committing treason.  I don't think the media and the generally population is taking this threat very seriously. They assume that things will work out and the law will protect us, but that is inconsistent with reality and with examples from history. 

Even if the best case scenario, the standards that have been set by Trump will probably last for a generation. A President is above the law while in office. State officials can overturn elections as the please. If one party has control of both houses on Congress, they can overturn a Presidential election without proof. That there are no consequences are being an outrageous liar as long as you are popular. That this country is so split, that people won't switch to other party if even their own candidate is despicable or unqualified (allowing those that control the money to name their candidates and almost guarantee victory). That random population and demographic changes will dictate who is elected and not policies or the character of elected officials. None of these things will lead to increased freedom, happiness, or prosperity for Americans. 

(Update: Pence didn't reject the electoral votes in so risked his future career. Actually, he was in a terrible position and perhaps couldn't win. If he objects, than the "coup" talk would turn into real action and Pence would be the prime co-conspirator. I am going to assume that Trump still wouldn't remain President, but he might retain a lot of power to the public and Pence would be a hero to half the country. Now, with his choice not to object, who is a Pence fan? It will be fascinating to see his favorability among Republican's moving forward. There are so many other through on the "storming of the capitol", but perhaps it must wait for another day. 


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