Barack Obama will regret his inaction

When Donald Trump is re-elected President in two years, Barack Obama is going to think to himself, "maybe I should have done more". Yes, of course he should be doing more. He is literally the only likeable Democrat on the national stage. Sure he is raising money, but is he changing minds? He needs a highly promoted monthly, 30-minute TV show to talk about a very specific issue. Keep it simple. Have last month's episode only about the people who are in hospitals for COVID and if they are vaccinated or not. This month, try to explain why inflation happens, what can be done about it and what can't. Have a episode on why its important to have an organized person as President, and not just someone who shares your ideas. One episode, on primetime, on every streaming service. I don't know if it will be enough to stop Trump, but at least he will be able to live with himself after 2024.


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