Why I've Been Missing

Big News Coming Tomorrow. Same Blog Time, Same Blog Channel.

As for today, here is but a little mini-rant. Iran is in the news about their nuclear weapons programs. The developments in Iran are overwhelmingly complicated and I worry about several major consequences. Some of things I worry about include 1) a US attack on Iran, 2) a US nuclear attack on Iran (apparently, the processing plants are so far underground that only a nuclear attack could destroy it), and 3) an Iraqi civil war between the Sunnis and Shiites spreading to neighboring countries and eventually pitting Saudi Arabia against Iran in a war over control in Iraq. Furthermore, the immediate consequences of just these things being talked about are already having an effect on my life and on that of the US economy. US oil are at $70/barell and I just see worries about the Middle East pushing oil higher and higher. Which brings an interesting question, would Iran risk being attacked by the US so they could get billions more in oil revenue. If so, this would be a good time as the US has lost all clout with the rest of the world (and the American people) over the war in Iraq. Furthermore, if Iran does proceed to work on nuclear weapons technology can the US afford to let them (as we have learned from North Korea; once a county have nukes than they don't have to listen to anyone). And finally would Israel allow Iran to built nuclear weapons (they bombed Iraq's nuclear weapons plants once, but would they use their own nuclear weapons to attack Iran's development program.) Nuclear weapons proliferation is a threat to the entire planet, and in a world in which more and more countries will want to use nuclear power plants, there will be a great temptation for nuclear weapons production from those power plants. There is no easy solution and the problem will get worse, especially when a nation decides to sell a nuclear weapon (bypassing any oversight by the world) to another country. With billions of dollars in cash, oil rich nations may be able to make countries like North Korea (or even Russia) an offer they can't refuse. As for me, well...I'm hoping the world lasts a little longer.


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