More Hours in the Day

If I was to rank the technological advancements that have made my life easier, number 1 on the list might be DVR. There have been many things that have added to my efficiency, effectiveness, or enjoyment, but nothing has made my life easier. DVR (or Tivo) actually seems to give me more hours in the day. For example, I was watching the Giants game yesterday and I paused the game in the first quarter, than did 20 minutes of housework, went back to the TV and put the game back on. After skipping the commercials for a bit, I was back to live TV. I gained 20 of time that I would never have had. For every hour of TV I watch on DVR, I gain 15-20 of free time. I gain even more time if it is a sporting event (it saves the most time for baseball, which more than half ½ of the game is commercials or waiting for the next pitch. Sure I might miss some commentary, but that is only a minor loss. And eventually, advertisers will start replacing commercials with product placements, but I don’t care about the either. It is possible that the cable companies and networks will demand that DVR won’t allow someone to skip commercials. This could happen and it would suck, but I think it would only be temporary. As computers and TVs get twisted together, you will be able to record your shows through other internet/computer-based services.

All of this is great, and I haven’t even mentioned the convenience of watching a show whenever you want, always having Molly’s show ready to go, or allowing Lindy to pause a movie so I give my mostly irrelevant (but irresistible clever) comments.


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