Turn off the lights

It might have taken a long time, but my father eventually succeeded in impacting a message in my brain to turn of the lights, especially at night or when I'm leaving the house.  Every night, there is a voice in my head that demands that I turn off the lights.  Every morning, before I leave for work, I go around the house and turn off all the lights that were left on.  Deep inside my subconscious, there is a little voice that is worried about this. 

However, it is worth worrying about?  I know have LED light bulbs in almost every sockets.  Where there was once a 100 watt bulb, now there is a 13 watt bulb.  Say I have 30 bulbs in my house, at an average of 13 watts (although it is probably less because a lot of the bulbs are smaller candelabra style at only 6 watts).  That 390 watts.  If I run the lights 24 hours a day, it would total $410/year (according to this online calculator).  Say that I am vigilant and only run the lights 4 hours/day, that would cost $68/year.  To leave my lights on all day and night, it would cost $342 extra per year.  Basically, that voice in my head saves $1 per day.  That's probably too much to just ignore, but it's close.


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