Why can't somebody just be fired when they deserve it


“I got a bet,” he continued. “I bet by the time you’re 21, someone’s going to put a bullet right through your head, O.K.? And it might be me, the one that does it.”

That was a high school science teacher, caught on videotape, threatening a student.  There is no ambiguity here.  There are dozens of witnesses.  Yet, the teacher is currently on "paid administrative leave".  What is the problem here; if the video is confirmed (which should take about 15 minutes after asking the students in the room) this person should be fired immediately.  He should be barred from teaching in any public school for 10 years, and the teacher's union should applaud that decision.  I will never, ever understand why teachers' union depend those who represent the very worst of teachers. 

There might be instances of "gray areas", but this is not one of them. A teacher is literally suggesting that he might murder a student. Even if he says he was joking, or even if he was joking, that statement was so grossly inappropriate that anyone who says it does not have the judgement or self-control to be a teacher. (If you watch the video, there is nothing light hearted about his tone).


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