Are we big or little (looking at the big picture)

It is unfathomable, both how big the universe is and how small subatomic particles are. But how big am I? If there was a scale, with the known universe on one end (at 100) and the length to a theoretic quantum string on the other end (at 0), were would I fit? Turns out wikipedia already did all the work?
10−35 Size of a "string " or 1 Planck length
1026Observable universe (100 yottametres)
Both exponents are normalized to be in meters.

Although it may seem that we are somewhat in the middle, which would be somewhat accurate from the point of view of the string or the universe, but the actually middle is 4,500 times smaller than we are. Each additional number in the scientific notation represent a factor of 10. For example 10−35 is 10X smaller than 10−34.  So, if I'm right, from our point of the view, the smallest thing is 10,000,000,000 times smaller than the entire universe is big.  Again, that is unfathomable.


Anonymous said…
We are ants.

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