Packing the Supreme Court and Biden's terrible, awful, no good response

 "Joe Biden, are you planning to increase the number of Supreme Court Justices if you win?"

It is a simple question and Biden and Harris refuse to answer it. However, the response should be easy, which is 

"We are focused on winning this election and saving this country. We currently have no plans to pack the court and honestly aren't considering it at this time. But we haven't really considered such an important decision and there are many, many more important things at this time."

And if Biden wins and wants to pack the Supreme Court, he can do whatever we wants. The political fall out after the election would be much less than it is now. 

The reason he should deny any thoughts of packing the Supreme Court is simple. There are some conservative and independent voters in which the Supreme Court is their highest priority. As of today, they have won and will have a solid majority on the court, so they are more willing to dump Trump because the courts are no longer an issue. However, if they think Biden will challenge their majority in the courts, now they are extra motivated to make sure he doesn't win. 

On a personal note, I am completely against adding new members to the Supreme Court. It just is a terrible precedent and shouldn't be considered. I also strongly support getting rid of lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court. Members should serve a maximum of one 18-year term. 


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