June 2014, "Chinese scientists finally bring polio vaccine to Africa."

China has always fascinated me. I’ve read about China’s economy boom, its stable government (even peacefully changing leadership), flourishing education system (at least for the privileged), vicious nationalism, and technological achievement and I have little doubt that it will soon become the other world superpower.

I believe that although China is already a major world factor they are laying low and biding their time. And they will wait for maybe 10-15 more years before than finally make a stand. And the US or any other country will be virtually helpless to do anything; the world will depend of the Chinese economy as much as ours and their military will be equal to ours.

But I don’t think that will be enough for China, I believe that they want their country to be the most powerful and most respected in the world. To achieve the latter, they have an opportunity start a new era of humanitarian services. 10 years from now I’ll wake up and in the NY Times the headlines could read, “China sends experts in agricultural genetics to Ethiopia to help grow food”, “In Sudan, Chinese soldiers crush genocidal rebels.”, “Chinese and Arab officials celebrated as Chinese workers completed a series of roads from Beijing to Cairo.”

Will China recognize that the road to power and respect requires a 1) robust economy, 2) military/technological strength, and 3) for other countries to think you are concerned with their well-being? The US had all three after WWII and I believe China will try do the same. The key for them is not to get greedy and try to create an empire.


Glen Lipka said…
http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/gnp.htmlChina's economy is really not as much as you might think. There are so many statistics on this page to make the argument you are full of crapola.
Dan Welch said…
i think the problem is gonna be no matter how much money you make you still need to share it with a billion people. I was never good at math but a lot divided by a billion.....doesn't seem like very much. Although I gotta think you're right as a overall power they will be very powerful. now they will be able to make three times as much useless garbage with pride! "made in china's swearfactories"
Dan Lipka said…
Stop thinking so short term. China's economy (GNP) is increasing at about 10% per year, as opposed to the to 3% in the US. And what makes you think they have to or want to share with all thier people. They have a veyr elite class and they will reap the rewards. In the 70's Japan made crappy products and now they make some of the most technologically advanced products in the world. China will do the same, just in on a larger scale. Just consider what i say i prediction, i won't be wrong.
Dan Lipka said…
Data from the CIA and other sources confirms my intuition. At current rates, China's GDP will surpass the US's by 2014. I even made a pretty graph to visualize the comparison if anyone is interested. I recognize that China's rate (currently 9.1%) might lower over time, but it is still very reasonable (and probable in my opinion) that China's economy will rival ours within 20 years.

If it does and if China decides to help its own people, would this lead to the rise of Communism in other countries?
Anonymous said…
China will become the world power if they only realized that they have the ultimate weapon already. In WWII Japan used Kamikaze planes to try and 'kill the infidels' All China needs to do is purchase several thousand B-52 Bombers, fly over the country they want to invade and throw peasants at them. They would destroy all enemies, and help fix their population problem at the same time.

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