Letter to the President?

Dear John,

I feel I can call you John because if you don’t change your campaigning style than you will become President Kerry. You will be left behind after a brutal defeat and a country doomed to four more years of fiscal and international irresponsibility. This country’s need for a new administration is so great that a successful Kerry campaign is in the interest of national security and prosperity. Although your current campaign of “let Bush make mistakes and you campaign as a middle of the road alternative to Bush” has pulled you virtually even with Bush, this is far from a victory in November. In fact, unless you become a “better” alternative, you will be in a campaign controlled by your adversary. George Bush will not gently accept an impending loss in November, he will do whatever it takes to create a positive public image. He will remove troops from Iraq, he will lower taxes, promise surpluses, blame others, embrace executive patriotism, arrest terrorists; he will create a positive image of himself. And after all that, you will just be an alternative to a positive public figure. You need to prepare yourself to beat the best that Bush can pretend to be. You need make plans and put out an agenda as if you know you are going to win. You need to be a President in waiting, you need to actively exploit the problems that Bush has created and continues to create for this country. Be your own man, not some “not-bush” candidate. It’s a long war and you have to fight hard the whole time.

Dan Lipka, registered voter


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