Our So-called Agenda

From a NYTimes.com editorial...
"as he prepared to leave Iraq, Mr. Bremer listed reduced tax rates, reduced tariffs and the liberalization of foreign-investment laws as among his major accomplishments. Insurgents are blowing up pipelines and police stations, geysers of sewage are erupting from the streets, and the electricity is off most of the time — but we've given Iraq the gift of supply-side economics."

I think this idea can be applied to the entire Bush Presidency. However, to show that I judge all actions without bias, I would like to say that handing over authority to the new Iraqi (puppet?) government a few days earlier was pretty smart.

Last thing, I see that Bush's ratings are down again this week in almost all criteria. Than again, maybe the polling firm is just a front for terrorists who hate America and should be locked away in a Cuban prison forever.

join the revolution


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