Things Kerry should say every 5 minutes

1) "Bush let Osoma Bin Laden get away, I will catch him no matter what."
2) "[Insert name of American solder who died that day in Iraq] died today because the Bush/Cheney have the wrong plan and refused to change. Your son could be next."
3) "All women who respect autonomy over their own bodies should understand that if Bush/Cheney wins they will destroy a women's right to control her own body."
4) "In 2003, George Bush donated only $68,360 to charities. In 2003, Teresa donated over $45 million. Bush spends his money to buy baseball teams, we spend our money on the community."
5) "My plan for Iraq is [insert plan, any plan, please. My suggestion is "When I am President, I will implement an operation I designed with General Wesley Clark and other experienced Generals that will realign our soldiers so they can crush those who oppose us. One city at a time, we liberate Iraq once and for all."

(I am so depressed when I think about Kerry's non-existent campaign strategy. Doesn't he realize this is important.)


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