Molly Sophia Lipka

Hooray! We did it. Well Lindy did it, but I held her hand and that has got to count for something. We are still really busy and exhausted, but I wanted to let everyone know that last night, around 6:00pm, Lindy gave birth to Molly Sophia. She is absolutely beautiful. The labor was long and ended in a c-section after many many hours, but the operation was a success and everyone is very healthy. Lindy is still recovering from the operation, but should be on her feat later today. We are both staying at Phelps Memorial Hospital ( for a at least a few days and there are regular visiting hours. Although, please call one of us before hand so that everything can be arranged in a reasonable way.

All Molly related pictures and videos can be found at More pictures and a proper announcement that tries express the deep philosophical and personal transformation that Molly has brought upon us all will be coming soon.


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