What's so funny?

The other day Molly laughed for the first time. She was sleeping and than there is was; 20 solid seconds of out loud, happy happy, joy joy laughing. I wonder what she was dreaming of? My guess is that it was a political pun relating to international economic reform she heard on the Daily Show. Speaking of the greatest show ever, on the Daily Show Joe Biden said that he would happily run with John McCain for President and that he had asked McCain to run with John Kerry. I think Biden might have some better luck, running as VP on the McCain ticket. The problem would be winning the nomination (Biden-McCain could win for the Dems, but McCain-Biden would lose for the Republicans.) I suggest the McCain and Biden make a public deal with America. McCain will run as a Democrat under the assumption that Biden will be his VP choice. If they win the nomination and than the presidency, after the first term is over, Biden will run as President with McCain as the VP. John McCain is currently the most powerful man in the world. Bush only has 18 more months, but McCain could have eight years. There is no one else is such a position. The McCain cabinet could also be an all-star team (from both parties) of policy makers. The second Daily Show news is that I am going to send a series of letters to John Stewart asking for an opportunity to be a writer (for a least a day) on the Show. I plan on writing one letter a week (Shawshank Redemption style) until I get accepted. I already have the first four letters ready.

Molly’s website will be updated by the end of the day with new pictures and a new “fun” page. The fun page will include sound clips, videos, molly stats, and I uploaded five very cool molly mosaics. Check them out at http://molly.kokopop.com/


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