
Hurricane Katrina has left tens of thousands homeless. Serena Williams offered to give $100 to related charities for each ace she serves. Last night, she had two aces ($200), while donning 8-carat diamond earrings. I think her gesture is a little underwhelming. Should Serena, who makes millions each year be responsible to helping? yes, of course she should, morally and socially. However, it is our government who is legally responsible. Forget congressional hearings about steroids in baseball, missions to Mars, and stem cells; let’s remember the basics of what government is really supposed to concentrate on - “Establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” Helping those who suffered at the whim of Katrina certainly fits under the guise of justice, domestic tranquility, general welfare, and posterity. Congress should quickly look at the federal budget for the billions of dollars they allocated to other areas and transfer to programs to aid the sick and displaced. This isn’t a tough call, do whatever it takes. If this was a terrorist attack, they would get supplies; but their suffering would be different. I feel that the true effects of Katrina won’t be recognized for months (after the insurance companies claim bankruptcy and our ADD national news agencies move onto something new). We shall see.

I remember when NYC had it’s blackout a few years ago. It is true that it is nowhere near the devastation of Katrina, but in a major metropolitan area, with police preoccupied, and the worry that the blackout could last a very long time (or that it was the beginning of more terrorist attacks), there was no looting or violence. Store owners rang up their products on hand calculators, without increasing prices (even on batteries or water). The city came together and I was proud. In the impact area, I can find ways to justify looting for certain supplies, but people stealing for profit are a disgrace.

Why are so many people being saved by helicopter? The storm has passed, don’t they have boats? Give the people thousands of inflatable boats and ask them to search for people. I have no doubt that this would vastly increase the effectivity of rescue efforts.

All over Craigslist, there are people volunteering their homes to victims of the storm. Many have offered plane tickets and logistical help. These people honor their country and all people and I hope that they are able to get in touch with the people that need their help.

Will New Orleans ever be rebuilt? If everything is destroyed, why not rebuild on more stable lands?


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