Finally they are listening to me

Perhaps my mind control devices are working. Or perhaps I was just right. Two front page articles on this week are both talking about the growing support for two ideas that I have long been supporting.

The National Popular Vote (the organization behind the movement) and talked with one of the Directors. We agreed on almost everything and when I mentioned my idea of that states of equal size, but differing political tendencies would both agree to switch to proportional electoral voting systems, thus keeping a balance of total votes. (click here for my complete blog entry on this issue). I was pleased to know that US Senator Chuck Schumer actually proposed this very idea. Although the idea didn’t gain much support, I believe that as voter turnout continues to decline and politicians only focus on swing state, the idea will become more and more popular. I have never donated money to an organization which I was not part of, but National Popular Vote is going to get something. Please support them and my mission.

The second article was about the growing support to censure or impeach Bush. I don’t know why democrats have waited so long and why they aren’t all supporting this. Bush’s negligent policies have unnecessarily led to the deaths of Americans. Fighting a war is acceptable, but not having an effective plan of action (leading to hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries) in unacceptable. A flood may have been unforeseen, but a completely negligent and delays response to Katrina led to unnecessary additional deaths. I think this would be enough without even mentioning letting North Korea and Iran develop nuclear weapons, decreases social services, drastically increasing our national debt, and screwing up our economy as a whole. The article mentioned that the Republicans are trying to spin this by saying making it censure a rallying call for conservatives to vote. “Our President was no incompetent that the Democrats want to impeach him, come out and vote so that doesn’t happen.” I think this is a huge mistake by Republicans. Bush is so unpopular, why would they make the vote about him. However, if the mid-term elections become about voting for or against impeachment the voter turnout will be high on both sides.


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