Great Compromise

In 2008, hundreds of millions of Americans will be ignored by the Presidential candidates because their vote is already decided. I, as a New Yorker, have no value to either democrats or republicans. They both see the state as voting democratically and all the electoral votes going that way. However, it doesn’t have to be this. States can decide to split their votes. Here is my great compromise (actually a series of deals).

Too easy: New York and Texas both decide to split their internal electoral votes. Texas does have three more votes than New York so this is a small advantage for the democrats, but this would force politicians to campaign in both states. Who is Texas or New York would be against this. Hell, to make the votes exactly even, Vermont (3 votes) will also split their vote.

Those other states: Hawaii (D-4) and Alaska (R-3) should also make a pact to split the votes.

Geography: Illinois (D-21), Indiana (R-11), and Kentucky (R-8). All three are next to each other.

Dream: California (D-55) and the Bible Belt (Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina) R-53). I admit that this is too much to ask.

Smaller compromises: Wisconsin and Minnesota. Maryland, DC, and Virginia. Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Georgia. Washington State and Arizona.

It’s called democracy, let’s look into it. All people should get the same attention. And believe me, people in swing states get ungodly amounts of pork simply because they are swing states. Do they rest of us not matter?

I can’t find any stats on how many times each candidate visited each state, I only found the top five places they did (if you know where I can find all the data that would be great). The most populous states, California, Texas, New York, weren’t even in the top five (78 million people ignored).


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