Life, the universe, and everything

I was watching a show on life, the universe, and everything and several scientists said that finding life on other planets would be the greatest discovery in the history of man. Unless that life is intelligent to the point of being able to communicate with us, I couldn’t disagree more with these scientists. I see very little practical, metaphysical, religious, or scientific significance to finding random life on other planets. What are we going to learn? So we are not “alone” in the universe, so what? This will not disprove any part of any religious theory in any way. It will have no impact on life on this planet. And although it is an interested topic, why should we (as a nation) be spending money to explore something simple for the sake of exploration. Sure, I wouldn’t mind so much if there was nothing better to spend the money on, but as long as real problems like lack of clean drinking water, genocide, and poverty (on the global scale) exist maybe we would should focus our practical, metaphysical, religious, or scientific resources on fixing those. I love science, but public finds should reflect the needs of the public.


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