Got Any Change?

The question for President Obama becomes, “is change possible?”. Sure he can modify the tax rate, but is he going to raise taxes enough to make them compare at least equally with other countries (as a percent of our GDP, the US taxes a tremendously small amount compared to almost every other first world country). Maybe than we could make health care, college, and employment training free for everyone. The US spends 50% of its discretionary money on the military, but only 6% on Health and Human Services, 5% on Education, 2% on the Department of Energy, 2% on the Department of Justice, and 1% on the EPA. We spend 10 times as much on the military (not even including the wars) than on education. We spend 10X more money on the military than China does. Is that going to change? Are we going to mandate environmental changes now? Can these types of changes ever be implemented, even with a democratic majority in both houses of Congress. We know Obama says he wants change, but is it even possible. I say that he won’t even try. There is too much pressure on him and he will be conservative in choosing what he wants to focus on. This is not the change that people want, but it will still be an improvement and progress, but not true change.


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