Political Dream Team or Playing it Safe

Barack Obama says he wants to change the politics of this country, but now I hear that he is going to nominate Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State. I am not a Hillary Clinton supporter for many reasons, but most importantly I just don’t like the idea of family legacies in government. Although I believe Hillary is a good Senator and a very competent person, she represents the political ideology of the Bill Clinton Administration. There is nothing wrong with this and I believe Bill Clinton was an excellent President and his ideas were progressive, although still within the tight framework of the currently political structure. Bill Clinton did not bring significant positive change to the system, his impact was felt in particularly program areas. How can Barack Obama make fundamental change if he is represented by the more much conservative (conservative within the progressive genre) Hillary Clinton all around the world. Furthermore, the Clintons presence will detract from Barack’s ability to become the clear leader of this country. I respect that he surrounds himself with very smart and independent people, but he must be the single, focused representation of a government in transition. Hilary Clinton may represent experience and talents, but she doesn’t represent “hope”.

Or am I looking at this all wrong. Maybe Obama is just trying to create a Political Dream Team. Was he just putting the best of the best into every conceivable position? Hillary Clinton is one of the most popular politicians in the country, why not put her in one of the most powerful positions? But the idea of a dream team doesn’t always work. For years, the US put together a basketball Dream Team to dominate the Olympics. This worked for a while, but as the other countries became more talented and began to utilize a more balanced “team” approach, the started to get the best of the US Dream Team. Sometimes having the right role players, where everyone knows what to do and doesn’t have ambitions of their own (besides the success of the team) is the best way to go.


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