The Future [of the economy] Doesn't Look Bright

Here is the best, realistic, outlook for the future of our economy. An effective vaccine is identified and distributed to "first-world" countries by spring 2021, with the rest of the world by the end by 2021. The US economy is currently in shambles, but is being held together up by a trillions of federal dollars artificially infused into the economy. Hiding the economic despair is that the status of local economies are often overshadowed by the success of huge businesses (as expressed in the Dow Jones). The unemployment rate is hovering around 10% and tens of thousands are small businesses have already closed and many are soon to follow. Assuming a vaccine works and is distributed (which is far from assured), we will still need another massive infusion of cash from the federal government to prevent a long-term recession, combined with wide-ranging local government shortfalls. This is setting up the next President for failure. If the government doesn't continue to blast money into the system, you might just see the collapse entire areas of the country and economy. But what are the consequences if we just keeping increasing our debt? Maybe nothing. Read this article that talks about how the government can just borrow money, than print money to pay back those loans...and no inflation. It's not just a theory, but it is what has been happening for over a decade. 


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