The Future of Personality

The computer revolution would have been impossible to predict 75 years ago. The idea that almost every person would be carrying around a super-computer, with access to almost all the information in existence, would have been inconceivable. As I guess what life will be like 50 or 100 years from now, I foresee that our understanding (due to advances in genetic manipulation combined with AI) of human biology will lead to our ability to completely manipulate who were are. Technology will finally eclipse anything our body can do on its own. This would start with fundamentally changing how we are physically, like our ability to heal, our strength, and aging. But it would quickly move towards our ability to manipulate our minds and body chemistry. Some people believe in a "soul" that exists beyond our bodies, but I don't. We are the products of our brain and how our brain controls the chemical inside us. You are not "happy" because of something you experience, you are happy because your brain releases the chemicals to make you happy. As we learn more about our bodies, we will come to understand that everything about everyone is just the result of different chemicals produced in various combinations and strengths. 

In the future, we will be able to manipulate those chemicals either by manipulating the brain or by directly controlling the chemicals through injections or nano-robots. You want to be happy, you can buy the happy chemicals (yes, like drugs, but no side effects). More than that, you can to focus more at work, or you want to be outgoing, you want to relax, exercise, or have an adrenaline rush, all you have to do is take that pill or reprogram you body through an app. 

It is inevitable that our knowledge on the human internal ecosystem will increase exponentially over the next 50-100 years. If we aren't already uploading our minds to a new virtual world, the alternative might be to completely control who we are as a person. I've heard a lot of predictions about the future, but perhaps this is it. 


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