Wait, are we still trusting these people

Lindsey Graham was revealed as a complete hypocritical liar (when he had specifically said he wouldn't vote on a Supreme Court Judge in an election year, than recently said he is going to do the exact opposite. Now, when asked if he will go on the record to say that he will support a peaceful transition on power after the election, Lindsey Graham (S.C.) told "Fox & Friends" that he "can assure" there will be a peaceful transition of power, adding that "if the Republicans lose we will accept that result". How does his word mean anything to anyone. The press needs to follow up with something like "Senator Graham, how to we know you are not lying now, like when you specifically lied about the Supreme Court nominating process. You know that you no longer have any credibility, you know that right?" Every time he ever says anything they press should remind him that he cannot be trusted. This is the only way for there to be accountability. 

On a related note, most of the Republicans have already said that the election is going to be decided in the courts. Trump will do whatever it takes to make sure that voting will be a fiasco. Hey, let's predict how he will ensure that the actual votes don't make a difference. If the votes look corrupted, he will proclaim a legitimate reason to bypass them.

  • Physically close polling sites or have barriers so people can't get to them. There could be a "crime" in the area and so the polling site is closed as the investigate.
  • Attacking the polling sites through acts of violence or sabotage (things like pepper spray could shut down a site for hours).
  • Having armed police or ICE (or other intimidating people) at polling places. 
  • Breaking machines at polling places
  • Ensure that police close voting locations exactly on time, even if people are waiting to vote.
  • Trump will claim that whatever delays happened at voting places also happened at Republican locations (with or without evidence)
  • Submitting thousands (maybe tens of thousands) of faulty mail in ballots (this both makes the count take much longer and bring to question how many more fraudulent ballots there are.
  • Claims that undocumented people voting millions of times. 
  • Destruction of public mailboxes to either prevent people from mailing ballots or destroying ballets in the box. 
  • Having post workers get caught for messing with the ballots. This helps Trump even if the postal worker is doing this to give Republicans an advantage.
  • Claiming that the Chinese hacked into the electronic voting systems and changed results.
  • Trump actually trying to hack into the system to change voting results.
  • Accusations that Biden paid people to vote.
  • Accusations that Biden intimidated voters
  • Accusations that Democratic Governors changed the results
  • Have Republican Governor allies mess with the results (mostly by disqualifying questionable ballots)
  • Create distractions for voters, like declaring a vaccine for COVID, or imminent military attacks from other countries. 
  • Declare that polling places violate social distancing rules and start closing them for "public safety" or giving people tickets for showing up to vote. 
  • Antagonizing voters with the specific goal of starting protests or riots at voting sites.
  • Claiming that Democrats are doing all of these things.
  • Claiming that there is strong, indisputable evidence that Biden is a traitor.
  • Most of all, Trump will just claim there is overwhelming fraud. That the votes cannot be trusted and insists that Governors do not certify the results.
Want to know what happens if he refuses to accept the results, read this article (spoiler alert, it doesn't end well). https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/11/what-if-trump-refuses-concede/616424/


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