Hawaiian Vacation Timelog

The first Lipka family vacation to Hawaii was a success. Everyone had a nice time and we got to relax a bit. Lindy and I are especially grateful to Lindy’s parents to were more then generous with their timeshare and all the time they spent looking after Molly. However, this might be the last trip we take to Hawaii as the travel was vicious. He is an estimate of the time we spent traveling.

Day One (2722 Miles Traveled, 20 hours spend in a car, airport or plane)
Start- Sleepy Hollow, NY
Leave at 4:00am
Drive to LaGuardia (28 miles)
1st flight to Charlottesville (303 miles)
2nd flight to Charlotte (226 miles)
3rd flight to Los Angeles (2120)
Drive to Irvine (45 miles)
Arrive at Lindy's Parents - 9:pmPST (12:00EST)

Day Two (2715 Miles Traveled, 14 hours spend in a car, airport or plane)
Start - Lindy's Parents
Leave at 5:00amPST (8:00amEST)
Drive to LAX (45 miles)
4th Flight to Honolulu (2559 miles)
5th Flight to Kauai (111 miles)
Arrive at hotel - 5:00pm Hawaii time (10:00pm EST)

Days Three through Seven - VACATION (Hooray)

Day Eight
Start - Hotel (2715 Miles Traveled, 11 hours spend in a car, airport or plane)
Leave at 5:00am local time (10:am EST)
6th Flight to Honolulu (111 miles)
7th Flight to Los Angeles (2559 miles)
Drive to Irvine (45 miles)
Arrive at Lindy's Parents - 6:00:pmPST (9:00pmEST)

Day Nine (2684 Miles Traveled, 15 hours spend in a car, airport or plane)
Start - Lindy's Parents
Leave at 6:00amPST (9:00amEST)
8th Flight to Charlotte (2120 miles)
9th Flight to Concord (Diverted to Richmond) (18+227=245 miles)
10th flight to LaGuardia (291 Miles)
Drive Home (28 miles)
Arrive at Home (Midnight EST)

TOTAL TRAVEL – 10,836 Miles, 60 hours spend in a car, airport or plane)

Note: Although the times are not exact, they give a pretty accurate reflection of what we went through. Also remember, we had Molly with us the whole. Although she was very good most of the time, it make things harder for Lindy and I (especially Lindy because Molly was very clingy to her Mommy on most of the flights). And to make things all the better, upon our return, Lindy had only three hours to sleep before she had to get up at 3:00am and go back to the airport to work.


Glen Lipka said…
For the past decade I have felt that vacations are alot more work than work is.
Anonymous said…
I am exhausted just reading about your trip. Glad you are home safe and sound. Yo Momma

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