Rota Virus

About the only thing that stinks more then the Bush Administration is Molly’s diaper pale. And very sadly, Molly seems to have caught the Rotavirus from the kids at daycare. Rotavirus is a virus (germ) that causes severe diarrhea, usually with fever and vomiting (although Molly does not have a fever and only vomited twice, but I think that was just a bad reaction to yogurt). Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe gastroenteritis (diarrhea) in infants and young children in the United States. Worldwide, rotavirus is a major cause of childhood deaths. Rotavirus can cause children to lose body fluids very quickly and is especially dangerous for children less than two years of age. Children between 3 and 35 months of age have the highest risk for getting the infection. For Molly is means that she poops every hour, which led to a diaper rash, generally dehydration, and an overall melancholy. My little girl is sick and there isn’t anything I can do about it. L I hope she gets better soon, it’s sad when she is sad. She just doesn’t feel well, she doesn’t want to play; poor poor Molly. I would tell her to walk it off, but she can’t even walk yet.


Anonymous said…
My poor Miss Molly. It is so important to rehydrate her now. She doesn't drink much to begin with, so you must try to give her liquids as much as possible. I know she hates it, but Pedalite returns lost nutrients. Mix it into anything that she will eat.
Kiss her for me. Yo Momma

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