Contest #2 - Winner

Well my experiment with not advertising me second contest was a complete failure; however, we do have a winner. And the winner is...wait, that can’t be right...a republican? Really? Yes, the winner is one of my only republican friends, Ross Blum. He image of a cat saying “I’m a big pussy that won’t shut up” is the winning logo. Although not too popular with me, it was the only entry that qualified for the contest. What does this prove? Are democrats all talk, while republicans are actually willing to do something (no matter how stupid it is). Which is better, bad action or no action, too much talk or no talk at all?

I was disqualified because I couldn’t narrow my choices of logo down from the following...Calculator, Owl, Anna Kournikova, a visualization of the word stredegery, the earth, a confederate flag with a line through it, a diploma, Jesus riding the old donkey, or a cupcake with frosting depicting George Bush being shot in the back with arrows - falling off a cliff – about to die on impact.

Ross will receive his award shortly. On a related topic, I wonder if the Manchurian Candidate explains how Ross is a republican in the first place. First he was a Mets fan and now he seems to be in favor a unnecessary wars, huge deficits, tax cuts for the rich, a plan to stop terrorism that has not found the head terrorists nor actually stopped terrorism, and a generally distain for the rest of the world. However, I admit that I don’t have a good response to the republicans most heartfelt motto, “Don’t mess with Texas.”


Anonymous said…
What do I win?? What do I win???

4 more years???
Glen Lipka said…
You win a crappy economy and terror alerts! Or you can trade it all in for what is in the box!

What's it going to be WEAVER?!?

(Say it with a japanese accent.)
Katie Lipka said…
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