"Must of had a heart attack"

President Bush, sidestepping a promise, is allowing the ban on assault rifles and oversized clips to expire on Sept. 14. Bush had said, "It makes no sense for assault weapons to be around our society." This country’s gun policies are one of the most embarrassing and problematic laws that we have on the books. I will never understand it. People who say they want to defend their homes wouldn’t need a gun if they knew that criminals didn’t have guns either. Given a choice of both with guns or both without guns, why choose something that might accidentally kill your kid. Those who say that they want freedom and personal protection from our government, well guess what, an uzi ain’t going to help you against a tank. Those who say hunting is a sport, well than might it a fair sport. Shooting a dear with a high power rifle from 100 yards away is not a sport, and I say those people are cowards. You want a sport, take a hunting knife and try to take down a dear using your stealth and skills. Others say it is in the bill of rights. It is people like that that refuse to re-evaluate society and hold us back the most. Things that were right 200 years ago might now be right now, please think. Think! People are dying, ten of thousands of people are dying. More people than in 9/11 or in Iraq, but who cares as long as we have our precious guns. The solution is to ban all guns (except for police and military use) that can fire more than one bullet a minute. Think!


Glen Lipka said…
What about mines? Are we allowed to carry personal detonation devices? Come on man! I need to blow something up!

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