Election Day and the future of the "United" States.

Today is the big day. Election Day. The day when the United States is supposed to lead by example. Our leaders say that we want to spread the democracy throughout the world, but our democracy has come down to a few days a year for most of the population. George Bush contends that democracy is enough to make a country flourish, that it will lead to equal rights, free speech, and other wonderful things that this country enjoys. But in reality, modern democracy (many call it a republic) is about elected an official to make the decision for you and nothing more. Those leader can give rights or take them away will equal legitimacy.

Today this country is choosing the their most important official, their President, based on ideology. This is significantly different than when Presidents were chosen because of their success, looks, policies, name, experience, wisdom, or anything else that has to do an actual individual. This election is not about George Bush and John Kerry, it is about being faith-based or not. George Bush represents an ideology long engrained in American culture, but that had been diminishing from American politics. George Bush represents the belief that men are more than just the sum of the facts, that god plays an active role in the life of those men, and those chosen as the leaders of men are not to be challenged. John Kerry represents the status quo, representing what American politics and culture has been progressive towards over the last 100 years. It is a belief that are responsible for themselves and for each other, that evaluating information can lead to the choices that are most likely to achieve goals, that leaders act in the best interest of the people and are responsive to and accountable for their actions.

That is what I see when I look at this election; however, the media has made it much more difficult to see clearly. The war on Iraq, terrorism, the economy, gay marriage, international relations, the deficit, all of these are tangible things that can be changed or fixed over time. However, an ideological change is different. If Kerry wins, this country will continue down the road it has been on for 250 years; however, if Bush win that road will be diverted. A Bush win changes what American is a fundamental way.

Regardless, the fact that the election is so close means many Americans are willing to make that change. But the true test for that will be if Kerry wins, who the republicans will pick in years. If they choose another faith-based candidate than we will know that this country will not be able to continue on a single path. A country cannot succeed if its people do not want the same things. Two ideologies, two geographic regions, two histories, two values, two economies. Can you look into the future; do you see what I see?

In the comments section, make your predictions for what you think is going to happen today, tomorrow, next year, next century (as it relates to this election). It should record your time and than we can see if we were right or not.


Dan Lipka said…
http://www.electoral-vote.com is a nice site
1) Kerry wins Flordia and New Mexico buy 10 and 8 points respectviely. I'm basing this on the fact that registered voters have increased by 17% since 2000.
2) Ohio goes to Bush by 3 points.
3) Bush wins Iowa (currently leaning towards Kerry)
4) Someone will make a consession speach with 48 hours.
5) If he loses, John Edwards will never be heard from again.
Ok, that's all for now.
Anonymous said…
Bush takes Pennsylvania , Iowa , New Mexico , and Minnesota

Kerry get florida (providing Jeb dies) , Ohio , Michigan

Bush is the first republican president to lose ohio and still win. Bush wins, we have 4 more years of complete crap. Bush gets the 270 :( damn you Nader!!!!!
Bush loses the popular vote even though its close. The country actually realizes the electoral college is retarded and that it is not 1802 anymore. There is serious talk about doing away with the electoral college completely.
There are still huge problems with the voting system and everyone freaks out. Oh yeah republicans turn to jesus for answers and feel better.
We invade nepal because southerners don't know the difference between any countries.


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