I see no other way.

It is the day after. Nothing has changed. This country is now capable of electing a president based solely on morals and faith. I am not proud of this or the actions of my fellow citizens. I am saddened, but that is no solution. I am angry, but that is no solution. I want change, but wanting is reactionary.

As I described the two basic ideologies permeating this country in a previous post, I now belief that the faith-based one will continue to grow and spread throughout this country. Supreme Court Justices will be appointed, wars will be fought, faith will replace evaluation. And this government is supposed to be represented me, and it does better than any other country in the world, but that is not enough.

The only solution is that a new country be formed, starting with New York state and invited any other who wish to join. A new country which will be responsive to the needs of the people. A country self-sufficient to provide for its defense, provide education, provide social services, and provide reasonable laws, freedom of expression, and civil rights.

Over the next year, I will see if this is a feasible idea. I have no intention of starting a civil war, instead I am suggesting a new political party with a single goal. Once party members gain control of the state Senate and Assembly, as well as the Governor’s office, than a referendum will be voted on by the people of New York. If accepted, New Yorkers will no longer be required to pay taxes to the United States and will provide all the necessary services of an independent nation to it’s citizens. If the United States government does not recognize this new country, that they will have to send troops. If the United States truly believes in Democracy than I say that must allow the will of the people to be accepted.

I see no other way.


Glen Lipka said…
He's a witch! I mean a commie! A terrorist! Where is the gestapo, I mean Homeland security, when you need them?

No seriously, you are going to be arrested and thrown in jail. The Howard Zinn book I'm reading has a million examples of guys thrown in prison for saying less.

No seriously. Really.

Don't mess with Texas.

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