Taxation without Representation

Not only does New York only have two Senators even though they are more people in New York that the total population of 16 smaller states (who get a total of 32 Senators), but New York only gets 8o cents on the dollar of Federal Taxes. For every buck we pay, the Federal government gives 20% of that to other states. So I was wondering, who did the states who are paying more towards Federal taxes than they receive, vote for? Could it be that all the States with sweetheart deals voted for Bush? Let's see, here are some statistics from the Census Bureau; Tax Foundation's "State-by-State Tax Burden Allocation.

Of the top 13 states are get the least federal assistance as a proportion of what they pay, 11 of the, voted for Kerry. New Jersey has the worst ratio in the country, while New York is 10th.

Of the top 13 states that pay the least amount of Federal Taxes and get the most, 12 of them went for Bush. New Mexico and Alaska both voted for Bush and each gets almost twice as much money as their paid.
I will try and get the full chart on-line somewhere so you can see how ridiculous this is. The States that voted for Bush are taking advantage of the system and as long as they get just as much power in the Senate as the more populous states, they will continue to steal from them.

"In 2002, the last year for which data are available, New Yorkers sent $65.9 billion in federal taxes to Washington, and yet the federal government sent only $54.5 billion back, according to the mayor’s office. In one year, more than $11 billion was sucked out of New York".

$11 Billion is a lot, we deserve it since we earned it.


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