You and tomato, I say tomato

My sweet little Molly sure does love to fuss. “Hold me over your shoulder” she says. “No, over the other shoulder...No, that’s too high up...Perfect, now just don’t move. Did you breath? Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!. Ok, now lets try again. Hold me over your shoulder and I’ll fall asleep. Ok, that’s nice. Zzzzzzzzzz.” And thus I put her down, to which she responds, “Aha! I tricked you, I wasn’t really sleeping I was just testing you. Now your must hold me over your shoulder while bouncing up and down, balancing a plate on your nose, and barking like a dog. No, not a big dog, a little dog. Good Daddy. Now I am may sleep for you. Good Daddy. Zzzzzzzzzz. What? Are you thinking about that bottle? You know I can read your mind; you were, weren’t you. Now I’m thinking about it. Waaaaaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaaaaaaa! Ok, good, now we know where you can stick that bottle. Now if you please stop crying, I’m trying to sleep here...”

And thus is life. Of course, this was only one interpretation, another more likely one may be...
“Daddy, I just love your shoulder so much and I never, ever want to get off. It’s the warmest and the bestest shoulder in the whole world. Uttt ohhh, my tummy hurts and I don’t know what to do. Daddy will you burp me. Thank you daddy, you’re the best. Darn, now my diaper is wet, please change me cause I don’t like a wet, cold diaper. No, not the changing table, can’t you change me while I lay on the shoulder. Please. Ok, your done anyway and back on the shoulder I go. It’s so nice up here that I never want to leave, but I’m getting so sleepy. I don’t want to sleep, I want to love my daddy some more, but so sleepy, so sleeeeeeeepy. Zzzzzzzzzz. Ah, what, where am I, why is daddy up there, why am I down here. Where’s the shoulder, please please can I have some more shoulder. It’s a hug, really just a prolonged hug. I love my daddy. And just think, in two hours I can do this again with my mommy. I love her too.


Glen Lipka said…
A little light reading:

Just keep in mind, at this age, you are training her. In her head it might be like this:

"I am tired, but all this stuff is keeping me awake. So much going on. This was easier when it was dark and I was scrunched up and bouncing gently in the womb and all I could hear was a dull heartbeat. Now there are faces and noises and feelings like hot and cold and my tummy hurts sometimes. What the heck happened to my feeding tube?? I guess I am supposed to suck on that bump over there, seems to make me feel warm and full. And I guess being on the shoulder feels warm and like I am bouncing in the womb. Maybe I am supposed to sleep this way from now on? Why am I lying down now? I thought I was supposed to be on the shoulder. Ugh. People, just teach me what to do. I am crying because I am confused and my intestines hurt. Please be consistent!"
Anonymous said…
I guess having 3 babies in 5 years is how you learn what to do.
Danny, you better get going on the next one!!
Yo Momma

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