John Here, John There, Everywhere a John John

What a crazy week. Two proposals due at work, school sucking the life out of me, and a ridiculous TV repairman situation this morning. I apologize for lack of new information on the Log, but here I go. Also, has anyone being having problems accessing this site? Do you need to refresh at least once to enter?

John and John, just like peas and carrots. So John Kerry, the man many of us are counting on help save this country from anymore fiscal, moral, or international disasters has selected John Edwards as his VP candidate. Although I am relatively pleased with this choice, I do not know if it is consistent with the Kerry strategy. In case you don’t know, his strategy is to do nothing, say nothing, attack Bush, and hope that more people vote against Bush than vote for Bush. But Edwards probably won’t lie down like that, he’ll want (and get) attention when he talks. He is also an easy target (He does have very little experience in government and it pretty much unqualified to be President, not that Bush is, but that’s a different story). For me, the VP should either fill a gap in Kerry’s resume, pander to a specific group, or be popular in a particular swing state. Edwards only fits the first criteria (he has an interesting personality), but what state will be win? What group likes him? And besides, Edwards secretly hates Kerry. Remember that Kerry took the most money of any Democrat while in the Senate and Edwards refused to take even a cent.

I think that John Kerry really believes that if he looked like John Edwards than he would have become the next John Kennedy.

Is this too many Johns? When you think “John” do you think of a President or a toilet? Will Edwards help? When will Kerry promise to make Nader head of the EPA if he drops out of the race?

join the revolution


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