Shadow Government Dream Team

I don't know if other presidential candidates have ever announced their cabinet members, but I feel that John Kerry should.  He should act like he is going to win and show some cohones.   I know what those in his cabinet would suffer politically if Kerry lost, but it's worth their suffering to gain the votes.  Now, Kerry shouldn't say that these people have accepted or that he has even asked them, just that he has a short list of possible cabinet members and this is on the top for each post. 

Secretary of Health - Dr. Howard Dean (I miss Dean's passion)
Secretary of Defense - General Wesley Clark
Secretary of Environment, Al Gore (i know it's a step down, but it's better than what he's doing now)
Secretary of Labor, Dick Gephardt (maybe Nader can go here)
Secretary of Veteran Affairs, Sen. Bob Graham (Florida)
Secretary of Homeland Security, Former UN ambassador and current Governor   Bill Richardson; (another great choice is Rudy Giuliani)
And most important...
Secretary of State
, Bill Clinton.  Let’s see if he can finally win his Nobel peace prize.  And people will say that Clinton will be running the country, but who cares.


Glen Lipka said…
It might be a good idea to actually look at the positions in the cabinet.

I actually wondered in the past, why presidential candidates don't say who will be in the cabinet. It seems like it would be a good thing to get more people involved.

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