Nader's Secret Plan

I know Nader doesn't like the Democrats that much, but he also understands what will happen if Bush wins again.  Since his campaign began, the Republicans have actually been spending a lot of money promoted him (i.e. taking away votes for Kerry).   Wouldn't it be nice if 2 weeks before the election Nader says, "Hey Republicans, that's for all the free press and attention you bought to issues I care about, but I'm not really running for President, I fully support John Kerry and urge all my supporters to vote for him."
In other Nader related thoughts, why don't the Democrats fund a well regarded man-of-God (maybe even an evangelists) to run for President on the "Jesus Saves" ticket.  His main focuses will be to oppose gay marriage, oppose the separation of Church and State, oppose big business, oppose abortion.  He will support prayer in school, fighting evil foreigners, farmers, and States' rights. 


Glen Lipka said…
don't forget fighting evil-doers.

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