10 Questions that need to be asked

Here are the 10 Questions I would the candidates if I got the opportunity at the next debate (supposedly town meeting style). If you have other questions please add them as a comment.

1) “How to you justify spending billions of dollars of a single submarine when that money could be used to protect women who are being gang raped and child who are being massacred?”
2) “As president, if you received a bill to raise taxed on every American by 1% under the condition that every cent be used to protect victims of genocide, would you sign it?”
3) “Have you tried cocaine more than 20 times in your life?”
4) “Mr. Kerry, if the world refuses to help in Iraq, how will your plan differ from the current plan?”
5) “What are you plans to address the concerns of angry muslins besides killing them and invading their countries?”
6) “Mr. Kerry, why are you taking money from regular people and the government to run your campaign? You’re rich, use your own money and avoid pressure by public interests.”?
7) “Do you think people someone can still be a good person if they say they hate Jesus Christ and Christianity.”
8) “How many countries does the US have trade relationships with that have built rape into their legal system?”
9) “If Pakistan, a country with many nuclear weapons decided to harbor and fund terrorists would you consider a pre-emptive attack.
10) “Is a larger national deficit a good thing?”


Anonymous said…
I think I have a few questions, but out of curiousity shouldn't we focus on our own craptitude going on here instead of trying to solve the worlds problems? I know I know, someone has to do it, we are the world power blah blah blah. I think it would be a good idea to get the UN to be a group that ACTUALLY does something!! Why can't we work on that?

UN - Hey Charles Taylor um stop doing that. C.T.- Go eff yourself you have no power.
UN - Hey Iraq you can't invade Kuwait they are a member nation! Sadam- Ummm you're a freakin' living joke, UN go screw yourself I wouldn't even consider listening to you.
Yeah yeah sanctions are nice and all but some action would be better.

"Mr. president do you think its okay to go to war for one reason and then change your mind in the middle of the invasion?" (Operation - weapons of mass des....liberating Iraq)
Wouldn't this sorta be like the police breaking in to someone's house to find a killer, shooting people in the house and then saying oh yeah well its the wrong house but look the household is much better off now with this guy gone.

"(Both) Doesn't freedom and justice for all mean having the same rights for all its citizens? How then can you say that same sex couples can not get married, but can only have "Unions" or whatever your discription might be."

"Does religion play a role in current politics, and if so isn't that not supposed to happen (fine implied and not quoted from the constitution)"

"(both) how do you pronounce Nuclear?"

"where do I hit the ketchup bottle to make it come out?"
Dan Lipka said…
Well first I want to the US was specifically set up so to do nothing, to force other countries to do nothing, as a place where countries can talk, and to give some humanitarian aide. You wouldn't give veto power to five countries who hate each other if you wanted action to ever be taken. Instead, the UN tries to stop bad things from happening and has no power or resources to really ever respond to bad things once the happen.

Good questions, except the “how can you change why we went to war” one, that is way to easy to spin (I.e., the threat was real, even John Kerry agreed there was a threat and liberating the Iraqi people was always our goals.).

And I might write a whole entry on gay marriage (note: civil union can have every single advantage of a real marriage, but they can’t use the word “marriage”.). It is my believe that marriage is a symbolic joining of people in love. It should have absolutely no legal obligation, either positive or negative. Once you are married, anyway can feel free to sign a standard legal contract (which was agreed to by hospitals, insurance companies, etc.) that give extra rights to your partner. In the contract, two people who have to show co-habitation and sharing of individual obligations. In fact, you shouldn’t even have to be married to do this, since marriage is cultural. I’ll clear my ideas in time.
Glen Lipka said…
You started by saying, "first I want the US...", you meant, the UN. Get an editor!

Also, I agree with the Anonymous poster. You are a tree-huggin, hippy pinko. Commie!

Ok, here are my questions:
1. Mr. President. Marion Barry recently was elected to public office in the district of Columbia despite being caught a few years back smoking crack. As a former cocaine user, what is your opinion of our harsh legal penalties for drug use and anemic government programs for prevention and treatment?

2. Senator Kerry. It seems the only way to get international support is to offer other countries part of the counstruction and management contracts. This would take money and jobs away from Americans. Why do you support outsourcing american jobs in this manner?

3. Mr. President. Was the Iraq regime MORE dangerous that North Korea or Iran in 2001?

3b. Knowing what you know now, that Sadamm was NOT a threat, and that North Korea and Iran ARE threats...would you still choose to invade Iraq rather than one of the other more dangerous countries?

4. Senator Kerry. Knowing what you know NOW. That iraq had no WMDs. That he was not a threat. That the president was going to lie to everyone and do everything in the wrong way...Would you STILL have voted to give him authority to go to war?
Anonymous said…
Yeah but thats the whole point, we ARE spinning the reason we went to war. It originally focused on W.M.Ds, now even if Kerry supported the funding and everythign the fact is that president Bush went to war under the aasumption that there was WMDs there. SOMEONE has to be held accountable for this!!!! No one has been fired in the intelligence community?!! What the hell is that?! Obviously someone screwed up. Anyway, I just wanted to raise one more point. Regardless of who wins isn't it pretty messed up that we are this seperated as a country :( sad...... Oh yeah its welch, I did the first one too. Too lazy to sign in

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