Is there anything left?

I think I hit the metaphysical wall. Today I read about how there was no evidence that Iraq was a threat to anyone, that 75% of this country wants a president of “strong religious faith”, and “House and Senate negotiators approved a sprawling corporate tax bill that would shower corporations and farmers in politically sensitive states with new tax cuts.”, and new research on how T-rex may have lived.

This depresses me so much. I am overwhelmed with a feeling of global failure that seems to be seeping into my own bloodstream. The race for President is ridiculous; it is being contested by two multi-millionaires who cannot be trusted. People say that if you don’t think something in this country than you should get out. That makes me sick, why can’t something good still get better. But can it get better, can this country every prioritize what is important. People say that they want a religious President, but both nominees say how their main goal is to kill certain people. We give tax cuts to farmers who are already getting paid not to grow crops instead of using that money to protect victims of rape and torture overseas.
I feel helpless to do anything. It’s a horrible feeling because there must be something I can do, even if it’s only a little thing. If George Bush wins I will be sad, not because my life will be worse, but because a free country, with open elections, would have voluntarily chosen to be used.


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